WiFi Network Services

Design | Procure | Install | Manage | Monitor | 24/7 Support | Maintain

WiFi Network Services

At JK Technology Solutions we assist you in the planning, configuration and installation of the best WiFI Network available.

Wi-Fi has changed the way the world operates and communicates. WiFi has continually improved over the years with each generation bringing faster speeds, lower latency, and better user experiences in a multitude of environments and with a variety of device types.

Wi-Fi has become an integral part of daily life. We depend on Wi-Fi in our homes and businesses, to shop, bank, and stay connected. We rely on stable, fast and secure WiFi connections but unfortunately this is not always the case. Underperforming WiFi can become an unwanted distraction and lead to frustration at home and on the job. Security lapses can lead to even more disastrous issues.

Proper design, configuration and optimization of a WiFi Network is essential in order to achieve the best performing and secure WiFi experience.

JK’s WiFi Network Design and Installation Plan

We take the following into consideration when designing your WiFi Network.

  • What types of applications do you expect to run?
  • What type of WiFi device mix do you expect?
  • What type of wired access points / switches will you need?
  • What is the number of devices you expect your WLAN to support by the end of the service life cycle?
  • Do you need added focus on wireless monitoring?
  • Coverage Based Network or a Capacity Based Network?
    • Coverage Based Networks;
      Ideal for large open spaces like warehouses, and large retail space. Ideally places with large square foot but with fewer users.
    • Capacity Based Networks
      Conversely, large spaces that expect a denser wireless presence should focus on capacity based networks. Capacity based networks are found in places that have either a high density (HD) or very high density (VHD) of wireless devices connecting to the network.

Site Survey

  1. Size of Physical location
  2. Planned use of the facility
  3. Building age and construction materials
  4. The environment (indoor, outdoor, harsh conditions, special considerations)
  5. Interior Design considerations

Intended Use of the Wireless Network

  1. Number of users
  2. Number of devices
  3. Areas of coverage
  4. Performance expectations
  5. Wireless client device capabilities


It is important to consider the type and size of material being accessed. Video and voice will utilize more then data and could impact the overall user experience.

Roaming Capability

It is important to remember that people with wireless devices will move within the facility. Roaming allows the user to move between access points seamlessly without interruption.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Capability

Users will want to connect their personal devices to public and private networks. We make sure that users are routed to the proper security level to ensure a safe secure browsing experience.

Mobile Device Friendly

We make sure your network is setup for Mobile devices from smartphones to Tablets to the IoT (Internet of Things).

WiFi Network Services

WiFi is Not a “One Size Fits All” Solution

What works at home may not work at the office. What works for a small office may not work in a large public space. The key to a solid performing WiFi network is to analyze the needs of the users as well as the environment where the users will be accessing the network.

At JK Technology Solutions we design the right system for your specific needs. We take the time to listen to you and gain an understanding of your requirements before we recommend any solution. With products from top manufacturers like Cisco, Netgear and Ubiquiti we have the right product for any project be it big or small.

When we think of WiFi we compare it to a highway. The more traffic the more congested it becomes and everything will slow down. It is important to plan for the amount of traffic, type of traffic and to also plan for future needs.

At JK we assist you in the planning, configuration and installation of the best WiFI Networks available today.

Understanding the Components of a WiFi Network

Modem – The modem receives information from your ISP through the phone lines, optical fiber, or coaxial cable in your home (depending on your service provider) and converts it into a digital signal. The router’s job is to push this signal out to connected devices, either through wired Ethernet cables or Wi-Fi, so that all of your devices can hop on board and access the Internet. Your router and ISP can’t communicate directly because they speak different languages—or rather, they transmit different signal types—which is why the modem’s role as a translator is so important.

Router – Your router acts as the middleman between your modem and your internet-connected devices, such as laptops, smartphones and smart TVs. Ultimately, a router works as a dispatcher, di-recting traffic and choosing the most efficient route for information, in the form of data packets, to travel across a network. A router connects you to the world, protects information from security threats, and even decides which devices have priority over others.

Network Switch – Switches facilitate the sharing of resources by connecting together all the devices, including computers, printers, and servers, in a small business network. Thanks to the switch, these connected devices can share information and talk to each other, regardless of where they are in a building or on a campus. Building a small business network is not possible without switches to tie devices together.

Wireless Access Points (WAP) – A wireless access point (WAP) is a networking device that allows wireless-capable devices to connect to a wired network. Using a WAP lets you create a wireless network within your existing wired network, so you can accommodate wireless devices. You can also use a WAP to extend the signal range and strength of your wireless network to provide com-plete wireless coverage and get rid of “dead spots,” especially in larger office spaces or buildings. If more than one access point is connected to the LAN, users can roam from one area of a facility to another without losing their network connection. WAPs that meet the new Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard, for example, can help you build a reliable, scalable, and secure wireless network to handle the rapidly growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices—and the data that those devices will create.

Extender or Booster – As the name implies, a range extender lengthens the reach of an existing Wi-Fi network. Since range extenders connect wirelessly to Wi-Fi routers, they must be placed where the Wi-Fi router’s signal is already strong, not in the location of the actual dead spot. For instance, if your router is in the basement of a two-story building, installing a range extender on the ground floor (where coverage from the Wi-Fi router is still strong) will eliminate potential dead zones on the second floor.

While range extenders are great for home Wi-Fi networks, they’re not efficient for modern businesses. This is because they can only support a limited number of devices at one time, usually no more than 20. While range extenders do increase the coverage of a Wi-Fi router, they do not increase its available bandwidth. Depending on the number of devices you have connected simultaneously, a range extender could end up weighing down your connection.

WiFi Network Services

In business, confidence is everything. When it comes to your network, it’s even more important. Whether you’re a small business with big dreams or a mid-size business ready to take the next step, you need to share access and ideas safely, connect remote locations securely and give your people the tools to perform. At NETGEAR, we provide networking, storage and security solutions without the cost and complexity of big IT. Our advanced range of reliable, affordable networking products are easy to install and maintain. We deliver solutions you can count on, so you can spend more time on what matters most – growing your business.

WiFi Network Services

Cisco wireless solutions are resilient, have the integrated security you need, and employ adaptive and insightful intelligence providing useful insight into your network. With intent-based networking built on Cisco Digital Network Architecture, our wireless solutions go beyond the latest Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard and are ready for the growing user expectations, IoT devices and next gen cloud-driven applications. With the ability to handle the increased mobile traffic as well as support IoT at Scale, Cisco’s first Wi-Fi 6 access points with superior RF innovations will expand wireless access with intelligence and provide a secure, reliable high quality wireless experience for all networks.

WiFi Network Services

Ubiquiti Networks product lines include UniFi, EdgeMax, AirMax, AirFiber, and UFiber. The most common product line is UniFi which is focused on home and business wired and wireless networking. Ubiquiti provides wireless networking products and solutions. The Company offers radios, antennas, and management tools that have been designed to deliver carrier class performance for wireless networking and other applications AirMax is a product line dedicated to creating Point to Point (PTP) and Point to Multi Point (PTMP) links between networks. AirFiber and UFiber are used by Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISP), and Internet Service Providers (ISP) respectively.

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